Business networking is one of the most controversial ways to do marketing due to belief systems, personal preferences, emotions and real business goals we want to reach. First, lets see how businesses networking operates. Businesses networking operates exchanging business information, ideas, and support to target more clients in a specific field. Business networking can make wonders for your business when marketing is targeting the FOCUSED network. Loosing the focus of which target we are targeting could cost lots of money and become and expense instead of an investment as discussed in previous articles about online marketing. I will give an example of a focused business networking and a non focused one to see the differences and be able to revert it to the right path to expand our network.
Lets look at this example, spiritual businesses network in general is composed or made of hundreds of sub networks which we can divide in different targets like locations, healing modalities, beliefs, genders, races, etc. Here is the mistake most businesses make falling into the “cone effect” following personal beliefs, traumas and emotional preferences. As business owners we need to establish a line between our personal life and our businesses. In this case following the general network of spiritual businesses will target all that is involved in this field instead of target a sub field inside the field.
Focus in a limited sub target inside the target is not a smart way to do network marketing substantially decreasing the networking field to a specific field based in an emotional or personal experience. This is what is called the “Cone effect”
Targeting specific networks for example (blacks, whites, Hispanics, etc.), specific genders or sexual preferences like (empowered women or men) or a specific preference as a sub network category is not a good networking practice. But if these network subfields are converted in global general fields, it will work and at the same time will send a clear message to your clients about what your business is about and you will attract specifically what you target is. Remember, treating your business as an inclusive network will decrease your networking targets as treating your business as an exclusive one will target and bring everything that is included on it. Do not let your emotions, preferences or traumas to interfere with your business, deal, heal and learn to establish that line between you and your business. The key is, always aim for the bigger target instead to fall into the cone effect targeting just a little spot in your vast network field.
Spiritual Classifieds is not based or follow inclusivity, our networking method is not based in traumas or personal beliefs, we are based in unity. A global spiritual practitioners search engine treated as one regardless of what spiritual modality our members practice and offer. In that way, we open our network targets to more people looking for your services on top of the cone, not at the bottom, increasing your spiritual business visibility to potential clients even more.
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