The Soul Health Scholars Level One Certification sets the foundation for designing your own comprehensive soul-based practice. No matter your field of study, this certification sets the stage for your clients AND YOU to take next steps toward the ultimate level of healing—SOUL HEALING!
Through two intensive half-day trainings, FOURTEEN strategically-designed modules, EIGHT group coaching sessions and an online one-day retreat, you will learn the primary principles and strategies you need to add soul-based knowledge and basic skills to your practice of helping others. This will FOREVER CHANGE the way you approach client care and enhance the efficacy of all of your other healing methods. It will also CHANGE YOU by helping you reach a more radiant state of health and well-being. Your work will become SUPERCHARGED with a deeper ability to assist others on their path will amplifying power of the work you already do.
By integrating both evidenced-based tools and knowledge with ancient wisdom, Dr. Katherine Kelly takes you step-by-step through the essentials of understanding and provided basic soul-based care. You will not only improve your client’s well-being, yours will improve as well!
This is how a Soul Health Scholars Level One Certification BENEFITS you:
By the end of Level One Soul Scholars certificate training you will be able to…
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