I’ve been deep in the shadow – suffered emotional and physical trauma, played a supporting role in my own life, and made incredibly tough changes to heal and become the starring lead. All my deep lows, as painful and even debilitating as they were, led me to the path I walk now. In a quest to heal, to live free from the weight of those wounds, the self-doubt, the fears; to live a life of joy and light; I discovered gifts within me, the tools to heal myself, and a calling to share this knowledge to help others on the path back to themselves. The irony of happiness is that it requires us to make the most difficult choices to reach it. Until we make decisions that prioritize our peace, our emotional and physical wellness, our healing, our growth, and our self-love, any happiness we have will be based in external factors and therefore unsustainable. The only real control we have is in how we choose to live every day, and the energy we choose to bring to any given situation.
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