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Heart-Wall Session

Leigh Riley Results Coaching Healing done remotely.
54.00 In Stock
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During times of emotional distress, your emotional heart can feel really hurt; this is where the words 'heartache' and 'heartbreak' come from.  This may prompt your body to put up a form of protection, or a 'wall' around the heart to keep it safe from further harm — but you can't build a wall of nothing, right?

We believe that the 'building material' of a Heart-Wall is energy — specifically Trapped Emotions.  The problem is that the Heart-Wall can stick with you even after the heartache has passed, and you no longer need that protection.  Think of living with a Heart-Wall as living in a bomb shelter; it's necessary short-term to protect you while the 'bombs' are falling, but if you continue to live in there, you'll likely feel sad, disconnected, frustrated, and you could even end up with more problems down the road.

The good news is that the Heart-Wall can be removed, one emotion at a time.  This can free you to live from your heart, create abundance, and find true love.  And isn't that what life is all about?

Once people understand the Heart-Wall, hopefully they'll allow theirs to be cleared — which could make a HUGE difference in their life!

We believe that 93% of people have a Heart-Wall.  Maybe it's no wonder that the #1 killer in the US (and several other Western countries) is heart disease! 

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